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Responde a las preguntas y crearás una única y exclusiva historia tantas veces como prefieras. Intenta no cometer errores al hacerlo.Empieza creando una página web con tu imformación personal y continua con diferentes historias. Story 1, Story 2, Story 3.


Anónimo ha dicho que…
Antonio's English-Zone Page

Hello, and welcome to my page!

I live in Roquetas, which is a fascinating place full of strange and wonderful people. Alex, for example, is my best friend, and is very strange! I, however, am simply wonderful.

Here are a few things you should know about me and my town:

I am ten years old, single, good and funny, and I am definitely very smart. In fact, I am the smartest person in the world. Most people think the smartest person in the world is Ismael, but I know that's not true. Some people argue and try to tell me that Ismael is the smartest, but I know that I'm smarter.

On the weekend, I like to play computer games, but I'm also a little lazy. I like to spend many hours in front of the television! My favorite TV show is Detective Conan. Everybody says it's a stupid show, but I watch it anyway.

I think it's important to learn foreign languages. That is why I am learning English right now. How do I like it? It's interesting, just like me! Haha!

So, here I am on the Internet. You might wonder if I having fun... The answer is yes. If you have many interests and projects, the internet can be an excellent resource. If you don't, then it is probably not very useful. You know, a lot of people might laugh when they see this page because it's a good example of some of the ridiculous and silly pages you can find on the net.

By the way, if you visit Roquetas, be sure to go see the beach. You won't be disappointed. It's really impressive. Too bad it's covered in graffiti.

In the evening you can enjoy a delicious meal at Pozoo. My friends tell me Pozoo is a boring place, and the food is terrible, but I like it anyway. By the way, if you get sick after you eat there, don't worry. You will only feel sick for a couple of days. I know from experience.

If you're lucky, Royal Madrid will be in town and you can go see a game. Of course, if you think that sports should be fun and exciting, then don't waste your time! The last time anybody got excited at one of their games was twenty years ago. Haha!

My thought for the day: It's really satisfying to be totally immersed in a language, but not if you're drowning. In that case it's really terrifying.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Nuria's English-Zone Page

Hello, and welcome to my page!

I live in in Roquetas, which is a fascinating place full of strange and wonderful people. Maria del Mar, for example, is my best friend, and is very strange! I, however, am simply wonderful.

Here are a few things you should know about me and my town:

I am eleven years old, single , funny and hard-working, and I am definitely very smart. In fact, I am the smartest person in the world. Most people think the smartest person in the world is Roberto, but I know that's not true. Some people argue and try to tell me that Roberto is the smartest, but I know that I'm smarter.

On the weekend, I like to the beach, but I'm also a little lazy. I like to spend many hours in front of the television! My favorite TV show is the internado. Everybody says it's a stupid show, but I watch it anyway.

I think it's important to learn foreign languages. That is why I am learning English right now. How do I like it? It's good, just like me! Haha!

So, here I am on the Internet. You might wonder if I having fun... The answer is yes. If you have many interests and projects, the internet can be an excellent resource. If you don't, then it is probably not very useful. You know, a lot of people might laugh when they see this page because it's a good example of some of the ridiculous and silly pages you can find on the net.

By the way, if you visit in Roquetas, be sure to go see the beach. You won't be disappointed. It's really impressive. Too bad it's covered in graffiti.

In the evening you can enjoy a delicious meal at burger kin. My friends tell me burger kin is a boring place, and the food is terrible, but I like it anyway. By the way, if you get sick after you eat there, don't worry. You will only feel sick for a couple of days. I know from experience.

If you're lucky, Royal Madrid will be in town and you can go see a game. Of course, if you think that sports should be fun and exciting, then don't waste your time! The last time anybody got excited at one of their games was twenty years ago. Haha!

My thought for the day: It's really satisfying to be totally immersed in a language, but not if you're drowning. In that case it's really terrifying.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Once upon a time there were three lions; the mother lion, the father lion and the baby lion who lived in a house in the woods. One morning the mother lion made banana for breakfast. When the three lions sat at the table to eat, they found that the banana was too hot. "Let's go for a walk to the river," the mother lion said. "The banana will be cool enough to eat when we return." So off they went.

Nearby, antonio was walking in the woods. "I've been walking such a long time, and I'm tired and hungry," antonio said. Just then antonio saw the three lion's house. "Maybe there is something to eat in there," antonio said, and went inside.

antonio saw the food on the table, and decided to try it. First antonio tried the father lion's banana but it was too hot. Then antonio tried the mother lion's banana but it was too cold. But the baby lion's banana was just right, and antonio ate it all up.

"My goodness I'm sleepy," antonio said entering the bedroom. antonio sat on the father lion's bed, but it was too hard. antonio then sat on the mother lion's bed, but it was too soft. The baby lion's bed was just right, and antonio fell asleep there.

In a short while the three lions returned from the river. "Someone's been eating my banana!" said the father lion. "Someone's been eating my banana too!" said the mother lion." Someone's been eating my banana, and they at it all up!" cried the baby lion. They looked around the house to find who had done this. When they looked in the bedroom they saw antonio asleep on baby lion's bed. Just then antonio woke up, saw the three lions and screamed. The three lions tried to catch antonio, but antonio ran out of the woods and all the way home.

The End.
antonio martínez morales
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Antonio and the Three wollfs
Once upon a time there were three wollfs; the mother wollf, the father wollf and the baby wollf who lived in a house in the woods. One morning the mother wollf made bananas for breakfast. When the three wollfs sat at the table to eat, they found that the bananas was too hot. "Let's go for a walk to the river," the mother wollf said. "The bananas will be cool enough to eat when we return." So off they went.

Nearby, Antonio was walking in the woods. "I've been walking such a long time, and I'm tired and hungry," Antonio said. Just then Antonio saw the three wollf's house. "Maybe there is something to eat in there," Antonio said, and went inside.

Antonio saw the food on the table, and decided to try it. First Antonio tried the father wollf's bananas but it was too hot. Then Antonio tried the mother wollf's bananas but it was too cold. But the baby wollf's bananas was just right, and Antonio ate it all up.

"My goodness I'm sleepy," Antonio said entering the bedroom. Antonio sat on the father wollf's bed, but it was too hard. Antonio then sat on the mother wollf's bed, but it was too soft. The baby wollf's bed was just right, and Antonio fell asleep there.

In a short while the three wollfs returned from the river. "Someone's been eating my bananas!" said the father wollf. "Someone's been eating my bananas too!" said the mother wollf." Someone's been eating my bananas, and they at it all up!" cried the baby wollf. They looked around the house to find who had done this. When they looked in the bedroom they saw Antonio asleep on baby wollf's bed. Just then Antonio woke up, saw the three wollfs and screamed. The three wollfs tried to catch Antonio, but Antonio ran out of the woods and all the way home.

The End.

Mª Carmen Salas ha dicho que…
Me han gustado mucho vuestras historias, podéis crear cada vez que queráis una distinta y no dudéis en mandármela. Saludos.

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